Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto’s oldest Shinto Shrine

Shimogamo Shrine (Shimogamo Jinja) is an ancient shrine located in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture. Its location makes it a perfect place to stroll and relax hence it lies in a forest (Tadasu-no-Mori) facing the Kamogawa delta at the confluence of the Kamo and Takano rivers.
While strolling, you can feel like traveling to a realm of Shinto spirits!

It has a history that predates the establishment of the Heian-kyo capital in 794 AD, making it one of Kyoto’s representative and oldest shrines and also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was constructed in in order to protect against malign influences .

Moreover, Shimogamo Shrine is also known for the famous “Hollyhock Festival” (Aoi Matsuri), an annual celebration held on May 15 which represents one of Kyoto’s three biggest festivals alongside Gion Festival.
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